We are proud to introduce our team of administrative staff and drivers (local and US). Each member of the team will be happy to help you with your various transportation needs.

Our team


Michel Cardinal


michel.c@cardinallog.ca 450-454-2072

Joanne Beaudin

Assistant to the management

joanne.b@cardinallog.ca 450-454-2072 poste 222

Maggie B Cardinal

Vice President

cardinal.maggie@hotmail.fr 450-454-2072

Micheal B Cardinal

Fleet Manager

michael.c@cardinallog.ca 450-454-2072 poste 227

Amélie B Cardinal

Payable accounts

amelie.c@cardinallog.ca 450-454-2072

Fany de Roy

Dispatcher help

dispatch@cardinallog.ca 450-454-2072 poste 221

Daniel Lamoureux

Main Distributor

dispatch@cardinallog.ca 450-454-2072 poste 224